
Status Update – August 2024

Ah Ha! Look at me, doing a status update so close to the beginning of the month. It feels odd, I’m not sure what to do… I mean, other than do the thing I logged on here to do. The thing I keep telling people I’m going to keep doing. Right now I’m sitting at the Deckhand Social, down here in Panama City Beach. Good food, good margaritas, I get to watch boats come in and out of the lagoon. Dream of a sailboat in the future. It’s a fun thing to do on the weekends, and kind of...

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Status Update – August 2024

Ah Ha! Look at me, doing a status update so close to the beginning of the month. It feels odd, I’m not sure what to do… I mean, other than do the thing I logged on here to do. The thing I keep telling people I’m going to keep doing. Right now I’m sitting at the Deckhand Social, down here in Panama City Beach. Good food, good margaritas, I get to watch boats come in and out of the lagoon. Dream of a sailboat in the future. It’s a fun thing to do on the weekends, and kind of...

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Grimm Update – Crown of Bones

I feel like a lot of progress is happening now. My plan is to release three to four more Grimm stories through the end of the fall and into winter. Maybe one a month starting around Thanksgiving. Three of them have been written, so I believe the plan will work, although I'll wait a bit before saying I love it when a plan comes together. Still, three books finished. Storm of Souls undergoing edit. The as-yet-unnamed third book going to my first reader. With everything going...

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Status Update – July 2024

So, not quite an update a month. Almost not quite an update in two months. And I keep thinking I had the best of intentions... Still, there's great news to report. Crown of Bones has finished its final edit and I'm currently putting together the inside matter for it. Storm of Souls has a date for its final edit (late August). The ending of that particular trilogy, the mysterious as-yet-unnamed third book, is almost in the hands of its first reader. And my cover artist for...

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A long time ago I worked as a technician in a tire factory. It was a new factory, with state-of-the-art machines that automated most of the tire-building process, and it was our job to initially build them and get them running. There were a few issues, not the least of which that all the schematics and instructions weren't really in English, so it took a lot of work. A lot of hard work and doing things over and over to test them. A lot of things broke. A lot of things had...

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Seeking Purpose

I've spent a large part of my life searching for purpose. All kinds of purpose, but specifically mine. It's weird, because I think having a purpose, having a reason for why we walk the earth, well that is something we all should think about. Yet most people when I ask them the question, well they look at me kind of funny. Like I'm the oddball. Maybe I am. I believe in making the world a better place. In not leaving a legacy behind, but in providing a lasting impact while...

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Sharks in the Water

Recently I saw someone post on social media a picture of a lot of people in the ocean. It was a beautiful day, the water looked clear, the people looked like they were having a good time, but the post was mocking them. There had been a shark attack at that same beach a week before. It was serious, and three people got hurt. I know, because I live in the area. I'll paraphrase, but the person doing the post was incredulous. They were wondering how people could get in and swim...

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Status Update – May 2024

This is a new thing for me. Like many of you, I have a life. I have a job other than writing. In the small moments I have to myself, I go and do things. I write because I have to write, because it calls to me, because I can’t imagine a world where I don’t have a story to tell, and while I have a thousand books I want to write, and hope to write ultimately I don’t really know how many I will get to write. If it was up to me, it would be thousands of them. I would live...

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Music I Write to – Always Gold

I love getting my Spotify Wrapped every year. It’s always get to go back and see what songs really hit me. And since I usually write to songs on repeat, there are always a few out-of-the-box songs at the top of my list. Songs I’ve listened to far beyond the pale of repeated songs. The song this year was Always Gold, by Radical Face. I wrote a good amount of Storm of Souls to that song. Definitely the last few chapters. I’ve even listened to it writing the sequel to Storm of...

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Evil always wins

To start off, I am not an expert here. I can only speak about what I’ve witnessed, what I’ve encountered, things I’ve seen and done in my life. Everyone is different, which means everyone’s definition here will be different. However, since this is my site, and hopefully you’re coming here to learn about me and about the type of stories I write (with the intent on buying one...), then let’s talk about my ideas on good and evil. I’ve kept this tagline, Evil always wins....

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The Original Caffeinated Brain

I’ve always loved discussions with people. In many a job interview, when asked about my English Degree (I work as an Oracle DBA), I tell people: Two plus two always equals four, but when you read a sentence, and talk about that sentence with twenty-five other people and get twenty-five different opinions as to what it means, that’s where you begin to find real answers. That always meant something to me. The greater understanding. While getting my English...

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So this is really happening

It’s kind of crazy to me, this blog thing. That the words I put down here will actually be read by someone. It got me into this state where I was looking for the perfect introductory article. The thing where people would read it and “get me”. Or they would read it and tell someone else, this guy has something about him. And that idea derailed me for a bit. Trying to come up with the perfect first post. If I was trying to write a letter, I’d have gone through thousands of...

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Grimm Saga Ghost Town cover



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