
Status Updates

Status Update – August 2024

Ah Ha! Look at me, doing a status update so close to the beginning of the month. It feels odd, I’m not sure what to do… I mean, other than do the thing I logged on here to do. The thing I keep telling people I’m going to keep doing. Right now I’m sitting at the...

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Grimm Update – Crown of Bones

I feel like a lot of progress is happening now. My plan is to release three to four more Grimm stories through the end of the fall and into winter. Maybe one a month starting around Thanksgiving. Three of them have been written, so I believe the plan will work,...

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Status Update – July 2024

So, not quite an update a month. Almost not quite an update in two months. And I keep thinking I had the best of intentions... Still, there's great news to report. Crown of Bones has finished its final edit and I'm currently putting together the inside matter for it....

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Status Update – May 2024

This is a new thing for me. Like many of you, I have a life. I have a job other than writing. In the small moments I have to myself, I go and do things. I write because I have to write, because it calls to me, because I can’t imagine a world where I don’t have a story...

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Evil always wins

Evil always wins

To start off, I am not an expert here. I can only speak about what I’ve witnessed, what I’ve encountered, things I’ve seen and done in my life. Everyone is different, which means everyone’s definition here will be different. However, since this is my site, and...

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So this is really happening

So this is really happening

It’s kind of crazy to me, this blog thing. That the words I put down here will actually be read by someone. It got me into this state where I was looking for the perfect introductory article. The thing where people would read it and “get me”. Or they would read it and...

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